Agenda item

Late Night Levy - Charges, Exemptions, Discounts and Best Practice Schemes

Report of the Interim Executive Director Environment.



The Committee received a report of the Interim Executive Director Environment, on the on the legislative provisions of the Late-Night Levy (the Levy), setting out the rules on the maximum fees that can be charged and information on discounts available and how these link to best practice schemes like the City of London Safety Thirst scheme (the Scheme).


The Chairman had commissioned this report so that newer Members of the Committee could see how the purpose and importance the Late Night levy, so that the whole Committee had a clear understanding of what this was and how it works in practice and within the law.


A Member thanked the Chairman for the report, and asked whether there would be a review of the City’s late-night practices and policies in the future, to keep up with social changes and or any changes with regards to Destination City. The Chairman agreed we would always keep things under review.  He also explained that as the report was now received and it included all the relevant detail, they were now able to discuss this with officers on what the next steps could be to ensure best practice. Officers had reported that the scheme currently in place was suitable and appropriate, and it compared well to others, however, by keeping an appropriate periodic view on the this, the Committee could keep a watching brief on any new schemes that may be worth looking into.


A Member highlighted the issues of cleanliness born of the nighttime economy and the impacts on costs. The Member added that with regards to premises and the levy charges, premises could obtain a 30% discount if they would take part in the Safety Thirst scheme. The member considered the Levy was seen as a fair way for premises to contribute to any issues occurring from venues. This levy also contributed to the funding of City Police to ensure the City’s safe late-night economy and keeping women and others safe, but also contributed to the cleanliness of the City streets.


Members were overall happy with the report on the levy and asked that this was kept in review.


RESOLVED – That the report be noted.


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