Agenda item

Commercial Environmental Health Service Plan 2024-25

Report of the Interim Executive Director for Environment.


The Committee received a report of the Interim Executive Director for Environment, concerning approval for the Commercial Environmental Health Service Plan 2024-25 and the Port Health Service Plan 2024-25. It was explained to the Committee that the Plans set out how objectives would be delivered and what priorities were in place. It was prepared in conjunction with national regulators such as Food Standards Agency (FSA) and Defra, who expect Member-approved Service Plans.


A Member suggested that the Corporation’s duties relating to imported food and feed and food premises be separated into two functions. The response was that this would be considered in future plans..


The backlog of food hygiene work in the lower risk food businesses categorised as ‘D’ for was highlighted. It was explained that the Corporation was still recovering from the pandemic, and an intervention programme demonstrated that most of these premises were still compliant. A ‘D’ standard business could range from a coffee shop to a caterer operating within a business.


It was queried whether there was a possibility of sanctions due to failure to plan and implement a programme of official food controls and health and safety interventions was possible. It was explained that the approval of the Services Plans, and quarterly performance reports managing its objectives, would prevent these failures.


A Member commented that whilst the City Corporation is compliant with its food hygiene interventions, it should be encouraging the FSA to go into the neighbouring Local Authorities to ensure a level playing field across London, and that the City Corporation should not be prioritised over other Local Authorities. The Committee heard that all Local Authorities were expected to produce an agreed Service Plan, which is then reported back to FSA.


RESOLVED – That Members approve:

·       The Commercial Environmental Health Services Plan 2024-25 (Appendix 1)

·       The Port Health Service Plan 2024-25 (Appendix 2)


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