To appoint the Bursary Committee for the year ensuing – to comprise the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Board and up to five other Governors.
Alderman John White (as the then Chairman)
Sylvia Moys (as the then Deputy Chairman)
Deputy Dennis Cotgrove
Revd. Dr. Martin Dudley
Clare James
Deputy Richard Regan
The Town Clerk reminded the Board that the Bursary Committee could comprise the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Board and up to five other Governors.
It was also reported that the Deputy Chairman would preside over Bursary Committee meetings for the ensuing year.
The Board proceeded to appoint their Bursary Committee for 2013/14.
RESOLVED - that the following Governors be appointed to the Bursary Committee for the ensuing year:
Clare James (as Chairman)
Nigel Challis
Deputy Billy Dove
Revd. Dr. Martin Dudley
Sylvia Moys
Virginia Rounding