Agenda item

City of London Joint Local Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2024 - 2028

Report of the Executive Director, Community and Children’s Services.


The Board received a report of Executive Director of Community and Children’s Services, concerning the approval of the City of London Joint Local Health and Wellbeing Strategy (JLHWS) 2024-2028.


The action plan for the JLHWS would be developed with a wide range of partners to deliver the priorities, with the timescales for action plan to be finalised with the partnerships. An update on this action plan could be reported back to the next meeting of the Board. The ‘join’ was with the partners on the Board and reflected the priorities within the Hackney Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy. The Integrated Care Board (ICB) and other partners should be reflecting the priorities of the JLHWS.


A Member of the Board raised the need for a higher profile on men’s health, and particular for the father’s role within maternity services, and that fathers did not appear on the equality analysis on maternity services. The Board heard that these points would be raised with East London Foundation Trust and the local Place Based Partnership.


 A Member of the Board asked what the difference with the aims would be to improve the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS), as the environment has changed since the Covid-19 Pandemic. They further highlighted the Food Pantry to build financial resilience and commented that there was a proportion of the residential population of the City who could not afford the shops within the surrounding area, and that food bills had risen since the pandemic. The Member said that they were interested in what the Corporation could do to tackle this issue.


On social isolation, the Board heard that this required partnership work both inside and outside of the City, and to ensure that resident engagement had depth within the community. It was explained that social capital (or lack thereof) and social isolation were different, as social capital related to the depth and value of the connection rather than isolation. There was an action to pilot an innovative and impactful befriending service. It was suggested that the Barts League of Nurses might have suggestions for the befriending service.


RESOLVED – That Members approve the City of London Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy.

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