Agenda item

Better Care Fund Q3 Return

Report of the Executive Director, Community and Children’s Services.


The Board received a report of the Executive Director of Community and Children’s Services, concerning approval of the Better Care Fund Quarter 3 return. Following an introduction to the report, the Board heard that officers were considering that the Board receive the annual end-of-year report, and that the interim Better Care Fund reports be signed off under Delegated Authority.


It was raised that Members frequently commented on a need for residential nursing facilities in the City, and requested an explanation as to why this would not be feasible. The response was that the City’s Better Care Fund priorities were dominated by managing hospital discharges, capacity, and demand, rather than nursing facilities. These priorities were made more difficult for the City due to its smaller numbers in comparisons to other Local Authorities. However, the Fund could still be used to meet some local priorities, including support to carers and its own discharge scheme. The Board also heard that although the City appeared to be spending more than the decreed amount for Local Authorities, this was often resolved in the negotiations with the ICB, and therefore it often commissioned services that exceeded the funding from the ICB.


RESOLVED – That Members approve the Better Care Fund Quarter 3 return.

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