Report of the Head of Performance and Population Health, NHS North East London.
The Board received a report of the Head of Performance and Population Health for NHS North East London (NEL), to consider the City and Hackney Outcomes Framework, building on its strategic objectives and setting out its ambitions for partners and residents. It also included a proposal for the Local Government Association to support the development of the City of London Health and Wellbeing Board.
Members of the Board commented that they found the Outcomes Framework vague, and it should quantify the outcomes or goals, and demonstrate specific targets.
Members highlighted a development session for the Health and Wellbeing Board, which was suggested to use Members and would be hosted in the next few months. Officers noted the offer from the Local Government Association for a partnership action plan and would work with the Head of Performance and Population Health at NHS NEL for a proposal and dates for this session.
The Board heard that the follow up would be a summary of what ‘good’ looked like, what improvements had been made, and what could be done as a system to enable more improvements and outcomes for residents.
RESOLVED – That Members:
· Note the report and approach to improving outcomes.
· Agree the approach to report for City of London HWB.
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