Report of the Town Clerk.
Members received a report of the Town Clerk concerning committee appointments.
The Chairman drew Members attention to his ex-officio position on the Fraud and Cyber Crime Reporting and Analysis Service Procurement Committee and suggested that a resolution to that Committee should be passed seeking a change to allow for the nomination of a representative. Members supported the proposal, though noted that the specific circumstances behind the composition might make it difficult for this change to be approved.
RESOLVED, that – Members:
a) Agree the composition and Terms of Reference of the Projects and Procurement Sub-Committee, as set out in Appendix 1;
b) Appoint the following two Members of the Finance Committee to the Projects and Procurement Sub-Committee:
c) Note the nomination by the Chairman of Deputy Elizabeth King as his representative on the Sub-Committee
d) Note the appointment of the members of four other Committees to the Projects and Procurement Sub-Committee; i.e. – a representative each from the Community and Children’s Services Committee, the Digital Services Committee, the Police Authority Board and the Port Health and Environmental Services Committee.
e) Agree the composition and Terms of Reference of the Efficiency and Performance Working Party, as set out in Appendix 2 to the report.
f) Appoint the following four Members to the Efficiency and Performance Working Party
g) agree the appointments of representatives to the following Committees and Sub-Committees:
h) agree the appointments of [the Chairman and Deputy Chairman as the representatives for informal consultation with the Court of Aldermen and the Policy and Resources Committee on Mayoralty and Shrievalty Allowances
i) Note that the Chairman and/or Deputy Chairman intend to take up their places on the following Committees:
j) Note that the nomination by the Chairman of the following Members to:
· Audit and Risk Management Committee – James St John Davis
k) Note that the Chairman would inform the Committee of his nominations to the following Committees at the next meeting:
l) Note that the Chairman and/or Deputy Chairman are appointed to, or serve as ex-officio Members on, the following Committees, without nomination rights:
· Policy & Resources Committee (ex-officio)
· Resource Allocation Sub (Policy and Resources) Committee
· Fraud and Cyber Crime Reporting and Analysis Service Procurement Committee
m) That the Committee asks the Fraud and Cyber Crime Reporting and Analysis Service Procurement Committee to consider its composition to allow the Finance Chairman nomination rights
n) Note that the Chairman will be a Member of the Mayoral Visits Advisory Committee
o) agree that the Committee should meet no less than eight times a year, dependent on business.
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