Agenda item

Appointment of Sub-Committees

Report of the Deputy Town Clerk.


Members received a report of the Town Clerk & Chief Executive relative to the appointment of the Nominations and Effectiveness Sub-Committee and its composition and terms of reference, and the appointment of a Member to serve on the Resource, Risk and Estates Committee of the Police Authority Board.


The Chairman informed Members that a meeting of the Sub-Committee had been arranged to review the results of the effectiveness and skills survey.


RESOLVED, that – Members:

a)  agree the appointment of the Nominations and Effectiveness Sub-Committee, and consider its composition and Terms of Reference; and appoint the following Members to serve on the Sub-Committee in addition to the Chairman and Deputy Chairs:

·      Ruby Sayed

·      Randall Anderson

b)  Appoint Ruby Sayed to serve on the Resource, Risk and Estates Committee of the Police Authority Board.


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