Agenda item

Annual Governance Statement (City Fund) 2023/24

Report of the Chief Strategy Officer.


Members received a report of the Chief Strategy Officer concerning the Annual Governance Statement.


During their introduction, officers noted several minor corrections to be made to the Annual Governance Statement (AGS). A Member also asked for the AGS to be amended to reference the Common Council elections in 2025 and to highlight the importance of the induction process for new Members.


It was noted that the new Corporate Plan would provide a lens for future versions of the AGS. It was also noted that there would be changes to the presentation of KPIs following changes to how business plans were produced.


A Member queried whether the AGS correctly reflected the recommendations of the Head of Internal Audit. In reply, officers noted that the Statement covered 2023/24. They also confirmed that the Head of Internal Audit was directly involved in the drafting of the AGS, but that the timing of publication meant that some of his recommendations may not have been included.


RESOLVED, that Members

a)  Approve the AGS, at Appendix 1, for signing by the Chair of the Policy and Resources Committee and the Town Clerk and Chief Executive, subject to the above amendments

b)  Note that the AGS will be published alongside the 2023/24 City Fund and Pension Fund Statement of Accounts

c)   Delegate authority to the Town Clerk, in consultation with the Chairman and Deputy Chairmen of this Committee, to amend the AGS for any relevant significant events or developments that occur prior to the date on which the Statement of Accounts is signed by the Chamberlain.

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