Agenda item

City Greening and Biodiversity: London Wall/Moorgate Relandscaping

Report of the Interim Executive Director, Environment.


The Sub-Committee considered a Gateway 5 report of the Interim Executive Director, Environment on the London Wall/Moorgate Relandscaping.


RESOLVED - That Members of the Sub-Committee:


1.        Agree authorisation to initiate public realm works for the delivery of the London Wall/Moorgate Green space at a total cost of £612,335, to be funded from the Cool Streets and Greening Programme (£442,655) and Section 106 Contributions (£168,680);

2.        Agree to the installation of Keats Bust under S115B of the Highways Act (1980), to commemorate the birthplace of the poet, and formally enter into the legal agreement with the funder and sculptor (see section 4); and

3.        Agree to delegate the drawdown of the costed risk provision to the Chief Officer.

Supporting documents: