Agenda item

Recission of City Walkway at 125 London Wall (Alban highwalk)

Report of the Interim Executive Director, Environment.


The Committee considered a report of the Interim Executive Director, Environment which recommended the recission of part of the existing city walkway known as the Alban Highwalk City Walkway at 125 London Wall.


Members were informed that the recission was to enable the redevelopment of Alban Gate, 125 - 130 London Wall, London EC2 which was approved by the Planning Applications Sub-Committee on the 9 May 2024.


In response to a Member’s question about whether the new walkway should be adopted in parallel, an Officer stated that this could not be done until the walkway had been laid out, had been inspected and met standards and that Members were being asked to give Officers the authority to do that once the inspection had been undertaken.


RESOLVED - That Members of the Committee


a.        Conditionally on the grant of planning permission (Registered No. 23/01115/FUL) for alterations at Alban Gate, 125 London Wall and the linked Section 106 Agreement having completed, resolve to vary the resolution of Court of Common Council made on 1st April 1993 to alter the city walkway known as Alban Highwalk City Walkway so as to exclude the area shown shaded pink on the City Walkway Variation Drawing number D6228D0702 Rev12 (Appendix 2B to this report) in accordance with the resolution set out in Appendix 2A to this report.

b.        Delegate to the City Operations Director authority to insert into the resolution an appropriate date for the coming into force of the resolution at (a) above.

c.        Conditionally on the grant of planning permission (Registered No. 23/01115/FUL) for alterations at Alban Gate, 125 London Wall and the linked Section 106 Agreement having completed, approve the use of non-standard materials in line with the existing Alban Highwalk City Walkway for the new city walkway to be declared by the resolution at (d) below.

d.        Delegate to the City Operations Director authority to make a resolution declaring the replacement walkway shown shaded green on Drawing Number D6228D0902 Rev I3 in Appendix 3 to be city walkway on being satisfied that the new walkway:

i.         has been laid out or is otherwise suitable for a city walkway within the meaning of section 5 of the City of London (Various Powers) Act 1967,

ii.        that access to it is available directly from a street or another way or place that is a city walkway, and

iii.       that it has been laid out or rendered suitable for a city walkway in accordance with one of the provisions specified in subsection (1) of section 6 of the City of London (Various Powers) Act 1967.

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