Agenda item

To note the minutes of the Planning Applications Sub-Committee meeting held on 17 April 2024*


Deborah Oliver stated that in relation to the declarations she and Steve Goodman made, they had been given dispensations to vote as well as speak and the minutes should be amended accordingly.


A Member stated that she had some amendments to the minutes to suggest. The Chairman stated these could be sent to the clerk and that the minutes would be submitted to the next Planning Applications Sub-Committee for approval.


Matters Arising

A Member asked for clarification on the point raised in relation to a climate emergency. She stated the motion in 2020 in relation to declaring a climate emergency failed, not because Members disagreed that there was a climate crisis but it was suggested that it was better to take action via the robust Climate Action Strategy rather than focus on a declaration. She raised concern that the comment made suggested that the Corporation did not consider there to be a climate emergency was an incorrect understanding of the motion.


The Chairman clarified that the Member was not suggesting an inaccuracy in the minutes and that this was being raised as a matter arising and the Member confirmed this was the case. The Chairman stated at the meeting where the motion was put, the City’s fully funded time marked climate action plan was approved. He asked the Director of Planning and Development to clarify that this was still in place. The Director confirmed it was and the comment was a reflection of the Court of Common Council’s decision not to declare a climate emergency.



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