Agenda item

Utility Infrastructure Strategy

Report of the Interim Executive Director, Environment.


The Committee considered a report of the Interim Executive Director, Environment concerning the Utility Infrastructure Strategy.


Members were informed that growth and prosperity was underpinned by, and relied upon, high quality utility infrastructure. The Strategy sought to bring together a holistic and co-ordinated approach to support and influence the operations of the utilities within the square mile.


Members were informed that consultation had taken place and a Member workshop had been held. There had also been positive engagement and response from the utility companies. The strategy had been updated following the consultation.


The Chairman stated the importance of having a forward plan in relation to utilities and stated the engagement with utility companies was welcomed.


A Member thanked Officers for highlighting the need to push for faster broadband coverage in the square mile for residents not living on the main estates as many experienced poor internet connections and WiFi. She asked that this work continue.


RESOLVED - That following recent public consultation, Members recommend the final strategy to the Court of Common Council for adoption.

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