The Committee received an update on Destination City, noting the following points:
- Officers are supporting the Chief Town Clerk in planning the transition to implementation;
- A Destination City governance report submitted to the Court of Common Council meeting of 23 May 2024 recommends that the Court of Common Council agree to align accountability for the refreshed DC programme to the Policy & Resources Committee, noting that accountability for the culture strategy remains with the CHL Committee.
Members commented on the importance of moving the cultural strategy and vision forward imminently and ahead of any senior cultural policy appointments, that could take some time, so that the strategy could be progressed via informal meetings in the first instance - noting the already stretched resources within the DC team.
Members reflected on how differing views on any issue held by P&R and CHL might be resolved given the overlap between the refreshed DC programme and the culture strategy, noting also the clarifications set out in the Paul Martin review.