Agenda item

Update on London Metropolitan Archives/Guildhall Library

Update on London Metropolitan Archives to include:


-       Rebranding and repositioning of the LMA as the London Archives

-       The LA future accommodation project

-       The Guildhall Library review


Members thanked the team at the LMA for hosting the meeting and arranging the tour before the meeting.

Members received an update on the LMA, including these points:

-        The LMA is the second largest archive service in the UK behind Kew;

-        The proposed new brand is ‘The London Archives’ with a soft launch to take place from 05 August 2024;

-        A dedicated website will also be launched on 5th August 2024, with a reduced web presence remaining on the CoL website;

-        The current lease on the Northampton Rd site expires in 2035;

-        Storage at the Northampton Rd site and at Guildhall is nearing capacity;

-         The organisation has enjoyed a beneficial rate in the last four decades on the current site of c. £250K pa, with significant rises expected after 2035 given the commercial value of the site (to around £4M pa);

-        After securing £150k from the Finance Committee for some options appraisal research into costed options for the accommodation project, a range of options will be examined around income generation, growth models and alternatives for accommodation, to be presented later in the year;

-        A strategic review of the Guildhall Library service is being undertaken by Michael Lewis of Lewis St Hill Consulting, with recommendations expected to be submitted to the July 2024 meeting of the Committee;

-        Audience development initiatives include ensuring that archives are accessible to a wide audience through schools programmes, public engagement, and community initiatives;

-        The schools programmes have been refreshed to include a core set of modules rolled out via an online booking system;

-        As of September 2024 the public programme will include a core offer of daytime events alongside new evening activities including talks;

-        Other community initiatives are under way to incorporate marginalised histories;

-        The primary funding source is the City of London Corporation (approximately 80%), and grant programmes attract around £0.25M, with events generating some income.


A Member asked for clarification on the extent to which the LMA works with the London Museum. The meeting heard that the organisation has a good relationship with the London Museum via a range of initiatives, including Culture Mile Learning, which is now discontinued, and that there are synergies with the proposed new direction for ‘The London Archives’.


A Member commented that there is merit in having an online archive of past exhibitions, including ‘Unforgotten Lives’. 


A Member sought confirmation that engagement was ongoing with the City’s digital team to ensure consistency and cyber safety for the new website project. The meeting heard that the organisation is working with the City of London Police on digital security, and has commissioned the City’s web developer, Zengenti, to develop the new website.


Members asked for further information on alternative locations and the extent of the involvement of other CoL senior decision-makers. The Committee heard that the new London Museum (at Smithfield) would be an example of an ideal site, and that other sites in development such asthe London Wall West site and Barbican sites would be considered through the options appraisal, and the planning process in conjunction with City Surveyors


Members asked on what basis the expected rent increase after 2035 was calculated, noting that there might be opportunities for the Committee to make a representation to the relevant planning authority on the premise’s use, particularly in view of the cultural character of the LMA and the City Plan 2040 (notwithstanding that the Northampton Rd site is in the London Borough of Islington). The meeting heard that the increased figure was based on City Surveyor evaluations on a commercial basis. 


The Committee agreed that a small group of CHL Members should examine the City Plan 2040 with a view to the Committee making a representation by 31 May 2024 to ensure that CHL’s objectives are met as part of that Plan.