Agenda item

Markets Business Plan Update Period 3 2023/24 (December-March)

Report of the Markets Director.


The Board received a report of the Markets Director which provided an update on progress made during Period 3 (December-March) of 2023/24 and key improvement objectives outlined in the Markets’ Business Plan 2023/24.


The Director advised that the Town Clerk and Chief Executive had declared the Markets Division as exemplar for staff wellbeing across the City of London Corporation.    The Chair asked for his congratulations to staff to go on record.


In response to a question about staff absence, the Director asked Members to be mindful of confidentiality but updates on policy areas and absence data could be shared with the Board at a strategic level.  However, the Markets Board is not the appropriate forum for policy challenge, as this falls within the remit of the Corporate Services Committee. 


The Chair was concerned about the low response rate to the survey and encouraged the tenants associations to respond, as this would enable Board to consider their views and act accordingly.  The Director confirmed that surveys are the best way for the Division to gather data. 


RESOLVED, that – the report be  noted.

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