Agenda item

Wardmote Resolution

To consider the following Resolution from the Ward of Portsoken – 20 March 2024


“We welcome the consideration given by the City of London Corporation’s Licensing Committee and Port Health and Environmental Services Committee to the issue of anti-social behaviour in Portsoken associated with the night-time economy, and further encourage the relevant Committee to consider the installation of pop-up public conveniences at night-time economy hotspots in the City to address the common issue of street urination”.




The Committee considered a Resolution from the Ward of Portsoken on 20 March 2024.


The Deputy Chairman explained that this wardmote originated from his ward, and expressed his surprise that this made its way to Licensing Committee, as this matter had not been addressed at the Wardmote in the context of Licensing. The Committee noted that this wardmote had originally come to this Committee the previous year, which focused primarily on issues of anti-social behaviour, street urination and street cleansing. It was then decided that this did not have a direct link to any licensed premises and was passed on formally to Port Health & Environmental Services Committee who investigated the matter. Residents at the Portsoken Wardmote noted accepted the findings from Port Health & Environmental Services Committee but still maintained that the issue was ongoing and debated that more public toilets were needed to combat this. It was therefore the Deputy Chairman’s view that that this wardmote was in the remit of Port Health & Environmental Services and should be addressed by that Committee, as there was no immediate link to licensed services.


The Chair of the Port Health & Environmental Services Committee told Members that a paper would be brought to that committee in July, which would look at public toilets and increasing their visibility. The Chair had visited Portsoken to see the issues, and this remained a priority for the Chair to increase the number of toilets and cleaning at the weekend. Extra staff had been procured and therefore improvements should be seen on street cleansing, but the issue of public toilets would be discussed in July’s meeting.


The Committee were told by the Portsoken Ward Deputy that eh resolution had not been intended for licensing but for Port Health, and the committee agreed following discussion, that this Resolution did not fall within the functions of the Licensing Committee. As this wardmote Resolution would be discussed at Port Health & Environmental Services Committee, Members agreed they need only note the resolution and discussion, and that Port Health & Environmental Services Committee, would take the matter forward.


RESOLVED – that Members:-

·       Note the Portsoken Wardmote resolution.