Agenda item



To approve the public minutes and non-public summary of the meeting held on 30 January 2024.


RESOLVED – That the public minutes and non-public summary of the meeting held on 30th January 2024 be approved as a correct record.


Matters arising

Some actions from the Minutes had not been picked up on the Outstanding Actions List and the Chair asked for this to be rectified. However, it was noted that the date of this meeting had been brought forward by 5 weeks, making it very difficult to include all of the items requested.


The Deputy Chair had asked for an informal briefing on the HRA and the Assistant Director agreed to progress this.  The Assistant Director also advised that it might be best to run two sessions; one for the benefit of new and existing Members and a further one to align with the emerging Asset Management Strategy.  The Deputy Chair suggested, and the Chair and Sub Committee agreed,  that these sessions should cover investments, constraints, outstanding items, other funding streams and future programming etc.  The Assistant Director endorsed this approach, noting that it would also determine plans and officer responsibilities.


The Head of Service agreed to provide Members with a further update on automatic doors, noting that quotations had been received for Middlesex Street.



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