Agenda item

Questions on Matters Relating to the Work of the Sub Committee


The Allocated Member of Middlesex Street  had submitted a question in advance about the new heating system, noting that this was sold to residents on the understanding that it would provide maximum user control and metered billing.   However, the metering had since been decoupled from the installation, and the level of heating was restricted to 21 degrees,  to comply with government advice.  The Member was concerned that residents were not advised of  changes and should not have to pay until they are fully satisfied. 


In response, the Assistant Director agreed to investigate these issues, noting that the benefits would not be realised until the meter is rolled out, and agreed to advise Members when this would take place.   The Chair suggested, and Members agreed, that this matter be taken off-line, to ensure a swift resolution,  and the Sub Committee would receive an update at the next meeting.


The Allocated Member for Golden Lane reported a serious drainage issue a week ago, had originally been attributed to residents flushing wet wipes.  However, the blockage recurred shortly after the first response, resulting in raw sewage leaking into the car park and staff at the public house close by becoming unwell. 


The Executive Director and Assistant Director gave assurance that this matter would now be investigated thoroughly and, whilst wet wipes had been a contributory factor, they were not the reason for the drainage failure.   The management of the public house would be contacted and Environmental Health engaged.    Members noted that an interim Head of Repairs and Maintenance had recently left the City Corporation and this had created a temporary skills/knowledge gap.  Members expressed concerns about the perceived lack of a regular drains maintenance programme and the Assistant Director agreed to review this.