Agenda item

Housing Strategy Report


Report of the Executive Director, Community and Children’s Services.


The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director, Community and Children’s Services, which presented the draft Housing Strategy for 2024-2029 for approval.  Members commended a well written and discursive report, which followed the desired direction of travel, which would be dynamic and subject to wide consultation.


During the discussion, the following points were noted:


The link to housing needs assessment and population changes could be stronger, together with references to the City of London and London Local Plans.  


The low attendance at a recent webinar on the Strategy had been disappointing, reinforcing the importance of publicity and communications with residents.


The need for customer focussed, well trained and pro-active estate-based officers.


Voids at the Almshouses and the investment required should be included.

The positioning of leaseholders in the Strategy should be more visible. 


The next iteration of this report should include an implementation plan.


The Chair endorsed the above comments and welcomed further contributions outside of the meeting.  




The Housing Strategy be approved, noting the comments set out above.


Oversight and scrutiny of delivery be via an  annual report setting out progress against each of the priorities, which shall be presented to the Community and Children’s Services Committee.


External / Independent Members


Members discussed the possible appointment of external/independent Members to the Housing Management and Almshouses Sub Committee, as had recently been agreed for the Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Sub Committee.  Members noted that an external perspective had added value to a number of  City of London Corporation Boards and Committees.


Members agreed unanimously to recommend this approach to the Community and Children’s Services Committee.  The Chair and Deputy Chair (of the Sub Committee) were keen to progress this at pace, to enable a recruitment exercise to be underway in the early Autumn.  The Housing Director agreed to provide guidance as to the scope and calibre of potential candidates; ideally they would be individuals with experience in  social/public sector housing/the ombudsman service.    The Town Clerk advised that the Grand Committee would also need to consider whether the external Members would have voting rights and access to non-public agendas etc. 


RESOLVED, that – the Community and Children’s Services Committee be asked to consider the introduction of independent/external Members to the Housing Management and Almshouses Sub Committee, noting the comments set out above, the advice of the Housing Director and the voting rights of those Members. 



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