Report of the Executive Director, Innovation and Growth.
Members received a report of the Executive Director, Innovation and Growth, concerning new funding for an employment programme.
During discussion, a Member said it was important to question the outcomes of programmes such as Universal Support when appropriate. Another Member acknowledged that that it was right to be sceptical, but reminded the Committee that Central London Forward (CLF) had been benefited the City Corporation’s relationships with local authorities in London.
RESOLVED, that – Members recommend that the Court of Common Council approves:
· CLF acting as the accountable body for Universal Support, and managing the programme on behalf of member authorities, including the development of the procurement strategy, as approved by CLF Board;
· The signing of any associated grant agreements with DWP to enable receipt of the funding, as approved by CLF Board;
· The delegation of funding to member authorities that want to deliver the programme direct;
· The signing of associated grant agreements with these member authorities;
· That the Court delegates to the Finance Committee the authority to vary the grant agreements with DWP. Vary grant agreements with member authorities delivering the programme. And vary the contract with the provider commissioned to deliver the programme. Subject to approval by CLF Programmes Board
· Subject to the above being approved by the Court, Members also approved a standing delegation to the Town Clerk, in consultation with the Chairman and Deputy Chairman, to consider any such variations.
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