Agenda item

Any other business that the Chairman considers urgent

Any items of business that the Chairman may decide are urgent.


A Member raised a noise nuisance that had occurred at the Barbican during the preceding weekend. Residents had attempted to make contact with the noise team via the phone number on the City Corporation’s website, but was unable to get through. The Member enquired what had occurred and what assurances could be given that this situation would not occur again.


The response was that this matter had been picked up and the issues were being investigated, the initial cause appeared to be that the phone lines went down. Officers were attempted to recover and follow up on noise complaints received over the weekend. Once the investigation was complete, the Committee would be informed. The Committee were assured that this was a unique incident.


Members commented on the increasing issues of noise nuisances with holiday rental properties, and there was uncertainty on whether the noise arose from the tenants or visitors and was difficult to police. It took a lot of time, evidence, and work to convict.