Agenda item


To agree the public minutes of the Planning Applications Sub-Committee meeting held on 17 April 2024, 30 April 2024 and 9 May 2024.



The Town Clerk informed Members that a Member had requested a number of amendments to the draft minutes of the meeting held on 17 April 2017. The requested amendments were outlined. Members were informed that one of the amendments was to amend the wording in the second paragraph on page 21, from “within 15 minutes” to “within 50 metres”. However, this did not reflect what was stated in the meeting so it was not proposed to make this amendment. Members agreed that the proposed changes be made, with the exception of the amendment to the second paragraph of page 21.


RESOLVED – That the public minutes of the meeting held on 17 April 2024, 30 April 2024, 9 May 2024 be agreed as a correct record subject to the following amendments to 17 April 2024 minutes:


Page 15, last paragraph, 4 lines from the bottom, that after the words, ‘independent heritage report’ the words, ‘by Alec Forshaw’ be added.

Page 16 - first paragraph, the last sentence be amended to, ‘They concluded that there would be a significant impact and major adverse impact to a number of rooms with a living element’.

Page 16 - last paragraph, last sentence be amended to ‘Ms Dehon stated that Mr Sturgis had demonstrated clearly that Option 2 - Major Refurbishment performed far better than any other option in relative (per square metre) and overall terms and the next sentence start with ‘It’ rather than ‘she stated’.

Page 19 - last paragraph, second sentence be amended to state that Deputy King asked why these were never seriously considered and stated ‘that retrofitting could have saved significant disruption, carbon and money’.

Page 36, first paragraph be amended to read ‘In response to a Member’s question about the number of neighbour objections received, an Officer stated that the total number of objections received was not typical of many major applications in the City but it was not unprecedented’.









Supporting documents: