Agenda item

Equity, Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EEDI) Work and Priorities

Report of the Chief Strategy Officer.


The Sub Committee received a report of the Chief Strategy Officer, concerning an overview of the current priorities and work that had taken place to stabilise the Equity, Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EEDI) function.


Members were informed that there had been over 400 applications for the position of the Equalities Director. Members stressed the need to be clear and open with the successful candidate on the challenges within the role, and that there would be much work required with regards to leadership across the organisation. However, the candidate should also understand that they would be supported internally and from Members.


The Chair queried what the outline was for the review into EEDI, including what budget was in place. The response was that the outline would be based on an articulated ambition for EEDI for the Corporation, and the aspects that were desired to be driven internally. The scope would also have to be cognisant of other workstreams, such as the work with the LGA with Members. It was further noted that there may be EEDI leads across the Corporation’s institutions who may have different approaches and priorities to EEDI due to several factors including evidence, data and their starting base. There needed to be coalition with the agreed priorities, but with a clear evidence base to demonstrate why some institutions worked differently. Further, the review would need to articulate how EEDI would work in practice, and all underpinned by qualitive and quantitate measures.


On the budget for the review, this would be based on the business case for the investment in the portfolio. The budget was being reviewed by the Chamberlain under the policies budget allocation, as it would be a re-allocation of money rather than new funds. This would also include an uplift for 2024/25. The Chamberlain had been requested to attend a future meeting of the Sub Committee to speak on the budget for EEDI.


It was confirmed that the Terms of Reference for the EEDI Review would be agreed in the autumn of 2024. The Chair and Deputy Chair were working closely with officers to complete the review by March 2025.


RESOLVED - That the report be received and its contents noted.

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