Agenda item

Principal's General Report

Report of the Principal (copy attached).


A report of the Principal which provided Governors with an update on the general issues as outlined below was considered:


·           Awards and Prizes

·           Recent Alumni Successes

·           Staff Successes

·           Safeguarding

·           Funding of the Strategic Plan

·           Provisional HEFCE grant for 2013/14

·           Milton Court

·           Funding

·           Queen’s Anniversary Prizes 2013-14

·           Production Review and;

·           Partnerships.


A discussion took place and it was noted that a draft policy on safeguarding/child protection would be produced by the Town Clerk and a report would be submitted to the next meeting which would detail the Board’s responsibilities.


In relation to the School’s prospectus it was noted that a new version had now been printed with four additional pages on the School’s partnerships.




Supporting documents: