Agenda item

Presentation from Dr Matt Liveras

The Health and Wellbeing Board to receive a presentation from Dr Matt Liveras, Consultant Psychiatrist and Medical Lead at Klearwell.



The Health and Wellbeing Board received a presentation from Dr Matt Liveras, Consultant Psychiatrist and Medical Lead at Klearwell.


After this presentation Members raised questions regarding the process of Ketamine Induced Psychotherapy to cure depression and access to this form of treatment in future. Dr Liveras confirmed that whilst the symptom of depression was likely to return, it was expected that the therapeutic side of this treatment would help to promote longer term positive changes in the patients. Whilst the cost of such therapy was expensive, and remained a service exclusive to the private sector, there was a mechanism to offer Ketamine Induced Psychotherapy within the NHS.


RESOLVED – That the presentation be received, and its contents noted.

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