To consider the report of the Director of Innovation and Growth.
The Committee considered the report of the Director of Innovation & Growth presenting the recommendations of the City Arts Initiative (CAI) that met on 6 June 2024.
The Committee noted that the proposal for this artwork: ‘ARTBASH – Globe View Walkway – permanent installation’ was discussed at the June meeting.
On the Dove Type font (p.29 of the agenda) Members asked for clarification on the balance between accessibility and historical significance. The meeting heard that advice had been received on accessibility issues to inform the proposal, the artwork belongs to ARTBASH.
Members commented that further clarification would be welcome on the accessibility question raised.
RESOLVED, That the Committee delegate authority to the Chair and Deputy Chair on approval of the proposal (subject to any necessary permissions gained from environmental health, planning and highways) following further clarification on accessibility issues raised together with other available options.
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