Agenda item

Appointment: -

Planning and Transportation Committee/Planning Applications Sub-Committee

To approve the appointment of Alderwoman-Elect Liz King to the Planning and Transportation Committee and the Planning Applications Sub-Committee for the ensuing civic year.



The Committee considered one of its four Aldermanic appointments to the Planning and Transportation Committee following the retirement of Alderwoman Susan Pearson.


The Committee was also requested to consider an Aldermanic nomination to a vacancy on Emanuel School for the remainder of a term concluding in July 2026, in the room of Common Councillor Tijs Broeke who had recently stepped down from the role. Following conversations between the School and Chairman of this Committee, it had been suggested that an external appointee, might be well suited to take up the nomination, subject to the formal approval of the Court of Aldermen.


The Committee commented that it would be helpful to have further details of the skills and background of the proposed candidate circulated to all before approving the nomination. It was also suggested that it might be helpful to establish a mechanism for formal feedback given that the proposal on this occasion was for an external representative and to look again at the process by which nominations of this sort came forward.


RESOLVED: - That the Aldermen approve:


(a)   The appointment of Alderwoman-Elect Elizabeth King to the Planning & Transportation Committee for the remainder of the current civic year;

(b)   The Committee grant delegated authority to the Town Clerk, in consultation with the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the General Purposes Committee of Aldermen, to obtain and circulate further information about the proposed nominee for the Emanuel School vacancy and seek further comment on this before deciding whether to progress or delay further consideration until the next meeting.