Agenda item

Wardmote Resolutions

a)       To consider the following Resolution from the Ward of Aldersgate – 20 March 2024.


“This Wardmote resolves to request the Corporation of the City of London to fully implement its Considerate Lighting Charter in the Barbican+Golden Lane Neighbourhood immediately by:  

i) measuring the baseline levels of pollution from artificial light at night in Aldersgate and Cripplegate;

ii) setting a target for reducing such light pollution within 12 months; and

iii) adequately resourcing and running a pilot project, with community involvement, to achieve the target.”


b)       To consider the following Resolution from the Ward of Bassishaw – 21 March 2024


“That the Corporation of London be asked to urgently expedite the review of restrictions at Bank Junction and that Black Cab access be restored to the Bank Junction 24/7 and 365 days per year”.


c)        To consider the following Resolution from the Ward of Candlewick – 21 March 2024 


“Since the introduction of restrictions on Black Cabs across Bank Junction, both businesses and residents have suffered, most especially those who are less physically able and visitors who travel into the City from one of the London airports. We therefore resolve that the Corporation of London be asked to urgently expedite the review of these restrictions and that Black Cab access be restored to the Bank Junction 24/7 and 365 days per year”.


d)       To consider the following Resolution from the Ward of Cordwainer - 21 March 2024


“That the Corporation of London be asked to urgently expedite the review of Bank Junction restrictions and that Black Cab access be restored to the Bank Junction 24/7 and 365 days per year”.


e)       To consider the following Resolutions from the Ward of Cripplegate - 2 November 2023 and 20 March 2024


i) “This Wardmote respectfully requests that the Corporation of London acknowledges the important role of the Barbican & Golden Lane Neighbourhood Forum in local plan-making and policy development by:


a)       Reflecting that role within the Corporation's ‘Statement of Community Involvement’.


b)       Reflecting that role within the text of the City Plan 2040, placing the Forum on a par with the non-statutory Business Improvement Districts in the City.


The Barbican & Golden Lane Neighbourhood Forum, under the Localism Act 2011, has statutory standing as a consultee in City planning policy and development control from the date of designation by the City, and not from the date of the Neighbourhood Plan. The City owes the Forum a statutory duty of cooperation from that same date.”


(ii)       “The Wardmote resolves to request the Corporation of the City of London to fully implement its Considerate Lighting Charter in the Ward and surrounding neighbourhood by :-


(i)       Measuring the baseline levels of pollution from artificial light at night in Aldersgate and Cripplegate; and

(ii)       To set a target for reducing such light pollution within 12 months; and

(iii)      To adequately resource and run a pilot project, with community involvement, to achieve the target”.



f)        To consider the following Resolution from the Ward ofLangbourn – 20 March 2024


“That the Corporation of London be asked to urgently expedite the review of the Bank Junction restrictions and that Black Cab access be restored to the Bank Junction 24/7 and 365 days per year”.


g)       To consider the following Resolution from the Ward of Lime Street – 20 March 2024


“The Lime Street Wardmote resolved that:


“The City of London Corporation be asked to expedite the review these restrictions and that Licenced “Black Cabs” access to bank junction be restored 24/7 and 365 days of the year”.


h)       To consider the following Resolutions from the Ward of Tower – 20 March 2024


(i)        “That the City Corporation be urged to recommend changes to the proposed City Plan 2040 before its submission to the Secretary of State to ensure that the area bounded by Minories, Aldgate High Street, Jewry Street, Crutched Friars, Coopers Row and the City’s southern boundary continues to be designated as an area for office-led development”



(ii)       “This Wardmote resolves that the City Corporation be asked diligently to expedite its review of the traffic arrangements at Bank.”


i)         To consider the following Resolution from the Ward of Walbrook – 20 March 2024


“That the Corporation of London be asked to urgently expedite the review of these restrictions and that Black Cab access be restored to the Bank Junction 24/7 and 365 days per year”.