Agenda item


To agree the minutes of the Barbican Residents’ Consultation Committee (RCC) held on 24 June 2024.



RESOLVED, that – the public minutes from previous meeting held on 24 June 2024 be approved as a correct record subject to the following amendments:


  • Page 7 under the subheading ‘Brandon Mews Canopy’ to replace “Andrews House” with “Brandon Mews”
  • Paragraph 6.1, ‘Major Works Programme’, to be replaced with ‘Major Works Programme – Redecorations Project’.
  • Page 9, 7a) delete phrase in square brackets


Matters Arising


  • Regarding the Barbican Highwalks, the Assistant Director agreed to confirm the source of the £50k contribution and inform Members at the next meeting since there was still some confusion over the source of funding as well as which party was responsible for its overall maintenance.


  • The Assistant Director also agreed to liaise with the property services team and provide a further update regarding the planned maintenance work carried out on the Lambert Jones roof at the next meeting.


  • Whilst there was no update available for the audit of invoices for the balconies situated on Ben Jonson House, the Assistant Director advised Members that once the audit had been finalised then he would be in position to provide the Committee with further information.


  • The Assistant Director confirmed that it was the template for registering expiring contracts, which was used for the car parking working party group, that would be used to create the register of contracts.


  • The representative of Willoughby House advised the Committee that they were still not satisfied with the redecoration work carried out and wanted to know how the final cost would reflect their dissatisfaction. The Assistant Director confirming that the BEO were in the process of quantifying what work was needed to be redone to Willoughby House, Speed House, Cromwell Tower and Ben Jonson House and the associated costs due to this. A report detailing the funding options would then be brought to the next meeting.

Supporting documents: