To note the actions tracker for the Barbican Residents Consultation Committee (BRCC) and the Barbican Residential Committee (BRC).
Prior to the meeting a newsletter was circulated to Members of the Committee which sought to give residents and leaseholders, further information and active updates in terms of the Transformation Programme. The Assistant Director provided a verbal update at this meeting to provide further context. Following this, the Committee received the actions tracker.
During this discussion, the following points were raised:
1. The Chair highlighted that the RCC should be a receiving a report on the Transformation Programme at every meeting as a standing agenda item and tasked the Town Clerk with ensuring that it was included as a standard agenda item going forward.
2. A question was raised in relation to the timescale of the Transformation Programme, since it had increased to an estimated five years for completion. The Assistant Director confirmed that after the completion phase 3 he would be in a better position to determine the successes of the programme and if it needed to be terminated earlier than five years as he was hopeful that the programme would be successful and completed before the five year mark.
3. The Assistant Director issue a point of clarification regarding ongoing projects. He advised the Committee that he was referring to projects that were cyclical in nature, such as internal/external redecorations, and highlighted that the Transformation Programme had significantly impacted the output of projects such as these.
4. The Chair cited the newly established Major Works Programme Board, which were expected to convene at the end of September 2024 and acknowledged that at the time of this meeting the necessary work had not been undertaken yet. The Assistant Director agreed to provide the Committee with further information regarding phase 3 in the next Transformation Update.
RESOLVED, that – the report and its contents be noted.
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