Agenda item

Housing Repairs and Maintenance Contracts – Procurement Report


Report of the Executive Director, Community and Children’s Services.


The Committee received a report of the Executive Director, Community and Children’s Services in respect of the Housing Repairs and Maintenance Contracts Report.


During the discussion, the following points were noted:


1.     Members registered their intention for further involvement within the evaluation process, most noticeably an observer role in regards to quality assessments. The Head of Services, Community and Children’s Services reminded the Committee that this was discussed at a recent meeting of the Barbican Repairs and Maintenance allocated working group and advised that the allocated Members shall be evaluating the customer care question for Lots 2 (Overall Barbican Repairs and Maintenance) and 3 (Water Penetration and Specialist Lot). At the time of this meeting, the procurement process was midway through to completion. The appropriate contractors had now been identified with the intention of executing contracts by the end of the calendar year and mobilising the new contractors by the 1st April 2025. Costs shall be evaluated, and a report shall be submitted to Court of Common Council at the beginning of December for approval. The Head of Services advised that the key dates listed within the appendices of the report were expected to be achieved. The allocated Member(s) reiterated their intention to be involved further in the evaluation process and the Executive Director confirmed that they shall raise this with the procurement team and update Members at the next meeting.


2.     In response to a question raised about repairs to properties, the Head of Services informed the Committee that any technical questions shall be evaluated by technical experts that sit within the Barbican Team which include Quantity Surveyors and Contract Managers.


RESOLVED, that – the reports and its contents be noted.

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