Agenda item



Report of the Executive Director, Community and Children’s Services.


The Committee received a report in respect of identifying material risks (identifying which type of asbestos if any is in situ) in all areas within the common parts of the Barbican.


During the discussion, the following points were raised:


1.     Members of the Committee were keen to know the scope of asbestos which may be present in common parts of the Barbican. The Assistant Director confirmed that it was a substantial project which, at the time of the meeting, facilitated urgent restrict access and remove of which 247 areas of asbestos were removed at the cost of £95,000. In terms of section project terms, under section 20., further removals were expected. 542 enclosures, of which there were 15, and encapsulations, of which there were 2256. However, these were viewed as not high-risk asbestos that would need removing imminently.


2.     The magnitude of cost was quoted to be in the region of £1.5 Million - £2 Million for the entire project. The Chair asked if these costs were likely to fall within one year and registered her dissatisfaction that this project had been outstanding since 2022. The Assistant Director acknowledged that it was a very large cost but was keen to seek involvement from the Programme Board, as well as resident engagement, to assess the available options and decide the best course of action.


3.     The Assistant Director confirmed that a report would be brought to Committee at a future meeting detailing how this project affected other ongoing projects on the Barbican Estate with fire door replacements and meter installations being mentioned.



RESOLVED, that – the report and its contents be noted.

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