Agenda item

Leaseholder Service Charge


A Member raised a question about the redecorations service management and supervision costs. The sum of £85,000, a recharge to residents via service charge, was viewed as a large amount and they were of the view that the City Corporation would undertake this amount. The Assistant Director advised the RCC that the project was outside the day-to-day management scope of the BEO since it was Major Works Project, and as a result its resourcing was from colleagues (City of London employees) not within the BEO with their time being charged for managing this project. The Executive Director, Community and Children’s Services further advised the Committee that she had employed a housing consultant, who had previously worked both with the Housing Revenue Account and Barbican, to assist with the Barbican Transformation Project and it was ensured that the City Corporation funded that post; their employment was specific to a point in the timeline of the transformation.


The Member asked if amelioration in the process was possible to reduce this cost with the Chair confirming that the Assistant Director shall review the costs after the completion of the redecorations project.

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