Agenda item

City of London Corporation App

The Chamberlain to be heard.


The Committee received a verbal report of the Chamberlain, concerning a City of London Corporation App. The Committee heard that there had been an investigation in the number of applications (‘apps’) representing the Corporation, following which it had been discovered that there were eight apps commissioned by different areas of the organisation. Many of these had not been updated or were not currently supported. One strand of the DITS Strategy was technology convergence, and thus officers aimed to create a single app for all stakeholders. Further work would be carried out and reported back to the Committee.


It was suggested that, at the highest level, there needed to be clear leadership using purchase control for matters such as apps. The Committee heard that there was an internal technology category board, which has sign off for any technology spend decisions, such as requests for websites. It was further noted that the piecemeal nature of the apps linked with the silos at the Corporation, emphasising the need to set collective parameters and principles for technology.


Officers confirmed the aspiration that the Communications and Engagement team would control the app, whilst DITS ran the associated technology. A communications strategy was in development, to ensure that content was co-ordinated, and noted the benefits of sharing information across the organisation.


A security concern was raised for those apps which were still active but not maintained. Officers considered it a priority to contact developers to update or remove those apps. 


RESOLVED – That the verbal report be received.