Agenda item



Report of Healthwatch, City of London.



The Board received a report from the Chair, Healthwatch City of London which detailed the progress against contractual targets and the work of Healthwatch City of London (HWCoL) with reference to the end of Q1 2024/25, and July and early August 2024.


The Board heard that Healthwatch had submitted their business plan to the City Corporation. Some objectives had been changed but these changes remained in line with Healthwatch England. Upcoming meetings were expected with Common Councillors to figure how the objectives were going to be attained within the next three years and how assistance may be provided in the east of City with the ward of Aldgate being mentioned.


The annual survey commented on how successful Healthwatch had been and was complimentary regarding their interactions with stakeholders and those they worked with, however Chair, Healthwatch understood that this needed to be conveyed to City residents.


The Chair, Healthwatch City of London highlighted ongoing projects and was keen to work with the Board to broaden CPR training. A campaign for men’s health strategy was expected with a meeting with NEL ICB planned to discuss how best to launch the campaign and hoped to have a launch event, engaging with different stakeholders, to develop a comprehensive approach to men’s health. The digital apps project was near completion with a report being finalised whereas the access to sexual health services for non-city residents project had been completed. However, there was still work to be done in relation to the neighbourhood’s programme and its delivery with a need for all parties involved to be aligned with programme’s objectives.


In relation to the Patient Participation Group, the ICB had announced that they were to restrict the number of texts sent to patients as a cost cutting measure. Although other methods of communication were being explored, such as email distribution, it was important for the ICB to be aware of those patients who struggle with connectivity issues. The Chair, Healthwatch City of London was keen to know what ICB had planned to manage this.


The Executive Director asked if Healthwatch had any intentions of developing engagement with children and young people. Whilst acknowledging that neither the resources nor population were available, it would be a collaborative effort involving other organisations to develop an engagement strategy for children and young people.


Members of the Board thanked the Chair, Healthwatch City of London and her team for the immense work undertaken so far.


RESOLVED, that – the report and its contents be noted.


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