Report of the Director of Markets and Consumer Protection (copy attached).
A report of the Director of Markets and Consumer Protection detailing the Business Plan for 2013-2016 for the Department was considered. The Business Plan consisted of an overarching plan which contained information relating to the whole department, and a separate annex reflecting the responsibilities of this Committee. The Business Plan identified some key achievements from the past year and set out what the aim to achieve was for this year, the standards which would be attained and where this fit in with the Corporate Plans.
In relation to the parking marshals at Billingsgate Market, it was noted that the wages costs were offset against the income credited to the service charge; there was no net cost to the City.
In response to a question by a Member, the Chamberlain undertook to provide the reasons for the increase in the Markets employee costs from the 2012/13 original budget to the revised budget and a breakdown of transport costs which would be circulated to the particular Member.
RESOLVED – That Members approve the contents of this report and its appendix.
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