Agenda item

Access and Adjustments Report and Action Plan

Report of the Interim Deputy CEO, Barbican Centre.


The Committee received a report of the Interim Deputy CEO and Director of People, Culture & Inclusion, concerning the Access and Adjustment Report and Action Plan. Questions and comments were raised, as follows:


With regards, to the response rate, this had reflected response rates to other surveys conducted at the Barbican Centre and had been shared widely across the staff networks. It was important to ensure that the responses and feedback received was actioned.


There was an aim to democratise access to meeting rooms across the Barbican Centre, as some meeting rooms were owned by departments which had separate room booking systems. By removing ownership of rooms, staff at the Barbican would be able to make use of spaces that would better support any access requirements.


Progress would be tracked using an access working group and the EDI Forum. The working group would consist of stakeholders, staff networks, and members from different artforms. It was hoped that there would be a network disability sponsor to support this work.


Noting the responses for a more accessible physical environment, it was queried what this would mean for the implications on resources. The response was that many of the changes would likely be financed under the Renewal programme, including working with the Renewal team to ensure engagement with EDI in the initial design process. Further, an audit had been conducted of the Barbican Centre, which had highlighted priority areas for improving access. The Barbican Centre had a responsibility to address physical access to the building for audiences.


A member raised the figure that only 3% of respondents knew how to provide accessibility for artists. There was currently no published guidance within this area and would be one of the workstreams of the working group. The Committee heard that there were ideas on areas for improvement for artists.


RESOLVED – That the report be received, and its contents noted.


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