Agenda item



Report of the Executive Director, Community and Children’s Services.


The Committee received a report from the Executive Director, Community and Children’s Services in respect of the installation of sprinkler systems within the towers situated on the Barbican Estate.


A Member asked whether the previous recommendations, which had been provided to the BRC, advocating for the fitting of sprinklers had been overturned and if the overall view had changed. The Assistant Director advised Members that the report had received informed input from fire safety colleagues within the City Surveyor’s Department, along with industry experience and the Assistant Director’s qualified knowledge of fire safety regulation. He advised the Committee that the Towers were robust reinforced concrete buildings which were due to have its fire doors retrofitted and upgraded. A building safety case and resident engagement strategy was expected to be delivered soon. Whilst the Assistant Director was content with analysing previous reports in relation to sprinkler systems, he advised the Committee that there was no current risk that needed to be mitigated and which would demand a requirement for the installation of sprinklers in the towers.


RESOLVED, that – the report and its contents be noted.

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