Agenda item


To receive the draft minutes of the meeting held on 2nd September 2024 (TO FOLLOW)


The Chair of the Barbican Resident’s Consultation Committee was invited to speak on matters relating to the most recent Barbican Residents Consultation Committee (RCC) meeting. Members noted the following:


Redecorations Programme


Four houses were still dissatisfied regarding the redecorations programme and the Assistant Director, Barbican Residential Estate (AD) had agreed to conduct a full review once works had been completed and the contract had ended.


Fire Doors


The Chair, RCC highlighted resident’s confusion on whether doorframes were inclusive of the overall fire doors replacement programme with the AD advising that he shall confirm and update Members of the RCC at the next meeting.


Housing Repairs and Maintenance Contract


Members of the RCC remained disappointment that the selected RCC representatives were not involved further in the procurement process.


Barbican App


The Chair, RCC updated Members on the discussion held regarding this Barbican App and advised the Committee that it would be very helpful for residents to have a walkthrough before the app is officially launched. It was suggested that a walkthrough might also help to identify any tangible cost savings before the app is purchased.


Lift Consultancy


The lift consultancy report was broadly accepted by the RCC.


Temporary Workers


A paper from the Chair of the Barbican Association was shared to Members of the BRC prior to the meeting which explained the residents perspective regarding agency workers. Chair, RCC informed the BRC that residents were not consulted regarding the employment of agency workers when entering into a employment contract back in 2017.




The major project underway to remove asbestos situated on the Barbican Estate had taken the RCC by surprise, especially considering the expected cost (£1.5 Million - £2 Million). RCC Members expected some debate around this about whether the cost of asbestos removal should fall to residents or not.