Agenda item

Barbican Lift Consultancy


Report of the Executive Director, Community and Children’s Services.



The Committee received a report from the Executive Director, Community and Children’s Services in respect of a proposal to engage with ILECS, an industry leading lift consultant, to provide improved value for money in both contract management and capital project management.


The Assistant Director advised the Committee of the benefits of engaging with ILECS and explained that ILECS would help to identify what components of lifts need repairing or ultimately which lifts were in need of a complete refurbishment. ILECS was identified as a potential project partner and although the costs for this were not listed within the report the Assistant Director agreed to return to the Committee on a per project basis to seek their approval.


A Member acknowledged that the performance of lifts situated in Shakespeare Tower had improved since parting with former lift consultancy company Butler and Young. He thanked officers for their work in relation to this report. The Member did, however, highlight the figure of 9% owed to ILECS for refurbishment or replacement of lifts above the cost of £125,000, and wondered why a flat rate hadn’t been determined rather than a fixed percentage. The Assistant Director agreed that the figure of 9% was high and informed the Committee that once the asset overview had been completed that a commercial negotiation was expected to take place with ILECS if they were to become the Barbican’s principal project partner.


RESOLVED, that – Members of the Barbican Residential Committee approve the proposal listed in the report.

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