Agenda item

Barbican Estate Office – Cash Payments


Report of the Executive Director, Community and Children’s Services.



The Committee received a report a report from the Executive Director, Community and Children’s services in respect of the Barbican Estate Office receiving some service charge/rent payments for the Barbican Estate and other HRA developments. The report sought to identify those risks and provides a recommendation on how to phase cash payments out.


The Assistant Director highlighted the potential risks of handling cash payments within the BEO and primarily the safeguarding issues from a staff perspective. The Committee was advised that payments via card or cheque would still be accepted, however cash payments would eventually be phased out and this shall be communicated to residents. The Deputy Chair queried the profile of those who decide to use cash payments and the Assistant Director agreed to update the Committee at a later date.


A Member highlighted the Barbican initiatives and changes, and its significance to other social housing estates within the remit of the City Corporation. She had hoped that these changes were being recorded and when appropriate if they could be extended to other social housing estates. The Executive Director noted the Members comments and advised the Committee that officers were mindful and were ready to explore such ideas further with other social housing estates when appropriate.


The Chair emphasised that the Barbican could be seen as an example to stimulate better provision in the wider context of all housing within the remit of the City Corporation. He suggested that the proposal of a Housing Committee which would enable Members to have better oversight on all housing matters.


RESOLVED, that – Members of the Barbican Residential Committee approve the proposal listed in the report.

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