Agenda item

Shrieval Plan 2024/25


The Town Clerk tabled the Shrieval Plan 2024/25 on behalf of Sheriff-Elect Jones and Sheriff-Elect Chalk.


Alderman Jones presented the Plan on behalf of both Sheriffs Elect and highlighted that this had also been drawn up in consultation with the Secretariat Director at Mansion House. Previous versions of the plan had been shared with the Recorder. Alderman Jones thanked the current Lord Mayor, SABTAC and to the current Aldermanic Sheriffs who had provided both oral and written briefings to date which had been incredibly helpful. Alderman Jones commented that both Sheriffs Elect were also very conscious of resource implications in the Shrieval Corridor at the Old Bailey. Some of the proposed events would therefore be sponsored by City law firms and others which would bring in their representatives and their various networks but would also relieve some administrative burden for staff at the Old Bailey in terms of processing invitations and the like.


It was underlined that the primary role of the Sheriffs was to support the work of the Lord Mayor in promoting financial and professional services, noting that the Shrieval year overlapped two mayoralties. It was noted that much of what was planned had been drawn up in consultation with SABTAC. The role was also about supporting the judiciary and these aspects of the plan had been discussed with the Recorder who was very keen for the Old Bailey to be used as a resource for promoting events concerning the rule of law. Alderman Jones referenced various lectures proposed in this vein such as those around the role of legal services in meeting the needs of business.


In terms of relationships, Alderman Jones stated that he was keen to embed his own legal networks into his plans such that subsequent Sheriffs may also utilise these if desired.


It was highlighted that the Old Bailey lunches would continue with mixed and target sector lunches as well as themed lunches included.


Alderman Jones referenced an Old Bailey ‘City Side’ webpage where content would include available text of lectures and podcasts, as well as introductory short films of the roles of Sheriff, Recorder, Common Sergeant, Judges and the Old Bailey.  The aim was that guests to the Old Bailey would be given QR cards with links to the interviews. Alderman Jones made specific reference to a recent podcast from Joshua Rozenberg – ‘A Lawyer Talks’ which contained interviews with both himself and the Honorary Secondary describing the role of Sheriff and why they took up residence in the Old Bailey during their Shrieval year entitled ‘Living Above the Cells’.


Alderman Jones also referenced the Shrieval Advisory Group that he had established and who would be tasked with ensuring that the Plan and work to deliver it was well aligned to the objective of promoting financial and professional services as well as provide informal advice and relevant contacts. He added that he was keen to ensure that the wider Court of Aldermen were also engaged with the Shrieval Plan and its delivery, particularly those below the Chair around convening Old Bailey lunches for example.


In terms of charitable work, Alderman Jones mentioned the Sheriffs’ Ball and the Sheriffs’ and Recorder’s Fund and planned initiatives here.


An Alderman stated that he had shared the link to the Joshua Rozenberg podcast mentioned with all and commented that it was an exceptionally good piece in terms of showcasing the role of Sheriff. He also commended the alignment of the Plan with the Mayoralty was important and was to be welcomed.


Another Alderman also asked that the Plan consider the introduction of the new Court of Common Council given that all-out  elections were scheduled for March 2025.


The Committee indicated that it was broadly supportive of the plan presented.


RESOLVED – The Committee received the Shrieval Pan 2024/25.

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