Agenda item


To note the report of the Consultant in Public Health at City & Hackney Public Health


The Committee noted the report of the Consultant in Public Health at City & Hackney Public Health.


Noting that many vaccination rates were below the 95% target to achieve herd immunity, Members asked what was being done around future target-setting. The meeting heard that that target is being met in very few places, particularly in London, and that work on improving rates is ongoing.


Members commented on apparent data paucity around vaccinations among CoL residents and apparently low rates at the practices of Goodman’s Field and The Spitalfields, noting that around 30 children aged 1-11 are not registered at a practice (with work ongoing to remedy that). 


On immunisation rates at the Neaman Practice, Members noted the high correlation between deprivation and non take-up of immunisations whereas the Neaman Practice covers relatively wealthy parts of the City (which correlates with higher take-up rates) and commented that if anything the Neaman Practice’s immunisation rates should be better than 93% given the relative lack of deprivation. The meeting heard that other factors might account for inaccuracies (for example, patients having moved out of the area).


Members heard a recent update on the data situation: work is under way to develop a dashboard that will give more granular information and that Local Authority data is being gathered onto NHS platforms, noting the challenges of IT infrastructure and systems at the NHS.  


A Member asked what national-level studies on vaccine hesitancy were being used to inform strategies. The meeting noted that a wide range of evidence has been used to inform strategies including capturing local barriers to vaccine uptake (including complacency, convenience, confidence, uncertainty, and disinformation). A Member requested that an evidence base be circulated [circulated on 10 October 2024].




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