Agenda item

Healthwatch City Annual Report 2023-24

To receive the report of the Healthwatch General Manager and Chair of Trustees.


The Committee received the report of the Healthwatch General Manager and Chair of Trustees.


The Committee thanked the Trustees, staff and volunteers for their invaluable work.

On the income and expenditure section (p.26 of the report) a Member asked what the total reserves figure was (and what plans were in place around that figure). Noting the statutory reserve requirements for a charity, the meeting heard that greater certainty around the contract meant that more plans could be rolled out across the next five years to include more event-planning and better publicity.  


A Member asked whether charges were levied for CPR training (noting that St John’s Ambulance charge for such sessions) and whether the attendees were community-based rather than corporate-based. The meeting noted that London Ambulance delivers the free training and Healthwatch provides the venue, and that the training is delivered to the community. 


A member commented that health needs varied across the City of London and asked to what extent Healthwatch is able to cater to the greater needs of people living in areas of greater deprivation. The meeting heard that events are held in such areas, attracting varied levels of attendance and that there are challenges around reaching those communities.

On City workers’ needs, a Member asked whether there was any interaction with the business community (or whether there are any volunteers in the business community). The meeting noted that there is no specific interaction with City workers, that major corporate names tended to have private medical services, and that hidden lower-paid menial and shift workers are more of a priority.     


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