Agenda item

City of London Police Authority Board

In accordance with Standing Order No. 63, your City of London Police Authority Board submit a candidate for appointment to the Office of Commissioner of Police for the City of London to be appointed on a date to be confirmed subject to receipt of approval of His Majesty The King (to be sought in accordance with Section III of the City of London Police Act 1839) and subsequently to the candidate taking an Oath before one of His Majesty’s Judges.


Details of the candidate are set out in the confidential report at Item 27(B).


MOTION - To exclude the public.


The candidate will appear before the Court of Common Council and will be asked to provide a short presentation to Members. Upon the candidate’s withdrawal from the Court, a ballot by Members will be held for the appointment. On completion of that, the public will be re-admitted and the decision of the Court can be made known. A non-public report has been printed and circulated for consideration by Members only (see: Item 27(B)) and its contents include exempt information as defined in Paragraph 1 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act, 1972.