Agenda item

Grants considered under Delegated Authority


The Committee received a report of the Chief Grants Officer which advised Members of the following eight grants, totalling £126,447 which had been presented for approval under delegated authority to the Chief Grants Officer in consultation with the Chairman and Deputy Chairman.


·         St John the Evangelist Roman Catholic Church - £1,152 towards the cost of an independent access audit.


·         Oxford Diocesan Council for Social Work (aka Parents and Children Together, PACT) - £23,400 over three years (3 x £7,800) for therapeutic support to young people and their families in London.


A Member queried whether this support would be limited to London families; Officers advised they were certain the funds would be used within London.


·         Housing Justice - £24,800 (£4,500; £20,300) over two years to contribute towards the cost of salary and operating costs of the Mentoring and Befriending Project in London.


·         Lambeth Chinese Community Association - £7,330 for a third and final year’s support to continue the Healthy Living project for older people, subject to receipt of a satisfactory monitoring report for Year 2 of the previous grant.


·         Sutton Seniors Forum - £21,865 (£7,200; £7,285; £7,380) over three years towards the salary costs of a Part-Time administrator and project costs, subject to the Trust not being the largest single funder in year 3.


·         Flash Musicals - £24,000 over three years (£10,000; £8,000; £6,000) towards the costs of performing arts workshops for disabled young people (8 to 21 years) and wheelchair dance sessions for adults. The award is conditional on confirmation that disability equality training has taken place.


·         OBAC (Organisation of Blind African Caribbeans) - £23,900 as a third and final year’s contribution to a project providing disabled people with money management skills. Release of the grant is subject to receipt of satisfactory quarterly management accounts.


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