Agenda item

Annual Review of the Terms of Reference of the Digital Services Committee

Report of the Town Clerk.


The Committee received a report of the Town Clerk, concerning the Annual Review of the Terms of Reference of the Digital Services Committee.


A Member queried what the process would be to establish a Sub-Committee. The response was that constitution of any new Sub-Committee or Working Party were subject to the approval of the Policy & Resources Committee, as set out in the City Corporation’s Standing Orders. This included providing a ‘business case’ justifying the establishment of a new Sub-Committee.


A question was raised on the reporting of IT risks, which should be reported to the Committee on a quarterly basis. The City of London Police risks were reported to the Resource, Risk & Estates (Police) Committee, and it was agreed this matter would be taken away for consideration in terms of reporting to both Committees.


It was raised that data breaches were reported to the Digital Services Committee, such as those falling under the Data Protection Act 2018 by the Comptroller & City Solicitor. It was suggested that paragraph d) of the Committee’s terms of reference be amended to codify this practice. It was agreed that this request would be taken away and appropriate wording would be drafted and reported to the Committee’s next meeting for agreement and onward submission to the Court of Common Council in April 2025.


RESOLVED – That Members considered changes to the Digital Services Committee’s Terms of Reference, and that the Town Clerk return to the Committee’s next meeting with amendments, for approval and onward submission.

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