Agenda item

Women in Tech

Report of the Chamberlain.


The Committee received a report of the Chamberlain, concerning an update on the recently created Women in Tech network. Following the introduction to the report, it was requested that dates of events for the network be published further in advance, to expand the rate of attendance.


With regards to developing networks and communities across boundaries, there was a monthly networking meeting for the City Corporation and its institutions, and extended team management meetings. These were the forums used internally to discuss KPIs, best practices, share ideas, and help retain internal talent. The Women in Tech network was hoped to be a good addition to these forums.


The Women Pivoting to Digital Taskforce included approximately 170 companies and aimed to be a network utilising the same manifesto. It was key to fit into the growth agenda, for the City Corporation to support other FPS companies. Setting up an internal network was critical to information flow through this Taskforce, but this information flow may be less effective if companies were not signed up to the Taskforce. It was noted that the Livery Companies had parallel efforts via the Information Technologists.


RESOLVED – That the report be received, and its contents noted.

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