Agenda item

Commission research into the City of London Corporation’s links to the historical trade in enslaved African people


The Committee received the report of the Deputy Town Clerk setting out the application to the Policy and Resources Committee’s 2024/25 Policy Initiatives Fund for £34,400 to commission a piece of independent research into the City of London Corporation’s links to the historical trade in enslaved African people.


A Member asked whether an endpoint was envisaged, and whether there were any plans for what would be done with the information. The meeting heard that the work would endorse the work of the City and would ensure that the City has input and involvement in the ongoing research that was expected to be carried out with or without the City’s involvement. The meeting noted that a body of work already exists that will be supplemented with more specific information, and that once the research is completed it is expected that the City will decide where to take that research. 


A Member commented on the benefits of also highlighting abolitionist initiatives in the City.